Movie Quotes: Remember Me

Gandhi said that "whatever you do in life will be in significant, 
but it's very important that you do it". 
At tense we agree with the first part.
- Tyler

He once told me, 
"our finger prints don't fade from the lives we've touch, 
is that true for everybody? 
I was just poetic bullshit.
- Tyler

Does knowledge of the past limit us, or benefit us?
- NYU Professor 

So, you can love someone and not wanna spend time with them.
- Caroline

People can change.
- Ally

I know you're not here for me,
thank you for being here anyway.
- Tyler

Whatever you do in life will be in significant, 
but it's very important that you do it, 'cause, 
nobody else will. 

I point someone comes into your life, and half of you says, 
you're no ain't near ready, but the other half says make it yours forever.
- Tyler

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