Movie Quotes: The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind

But there was a simple test.
If you could touch your left ear
over your head with your right hand,
you could go to school.
The first time I tried, I was too small.
I couldn't reach. Do it.
- Trywell

Democracy is just like imported cassava.
It rots quickly.
- Trywell

The only power we have is to say no.
- Chief

In America, electricity made from wind.
With electricity, we can make water.
We're going to build a windmill.
We need to build a small one first, 
to see if it works.
- William

🎵It's a clever bird
It builds its nest
To protects the others...🎵

William: Papa...
I want to show you something.
Can you hear it?
Trywell: Uh-huh.
What is it?
William: It's wind energy.
The blades make electricity,
and that powers the radio.
Trywell: I see.
William: I want to build a big one.
A big one could power a water pump.
It means that even if the land js dry,
we can still plant.
Trywell: It can do that?
William: Yes.
But to build a big one,
I'll need something
to help turn the blades.
If I could use your bike, it would work.
Trywell: The bike?
William: It would work.
Trywell: How long would you need it for?
William: I'd need to remove the wheels
and cut the frame.
You couldn't use it as a bike anymore. 
Trywell: What? William.
Have you seen what's happening, William?
William: Yes, sir.
Trywell: People are dying. 
Do you understand?
William: This will help everyone.
Trywell: Get this stupidness away from me.
William: Papa...
Trywell: Get this stupidness away from me!
William: Papa, I need to take the bike
so I can bring electricity.
With electricity, I can make water.
I can make rain.
Trywell: Are you still talking?
William: There are things I know
that you don't know.
Trywell: Because you can make toys?
William: Because of school.
Trywell: From now on, you get up with me
first thing in the morning, understand?
You help me build these ridges.
Forget about school!
Forget about the library!
I don't want to see you
near this foolishness again!
I was wrong!
It's d*mn well time
you learned how to farm!
Plow the land!
Plow the land!

I'm not blaming you.
I'm asking you.
When do we stop losing?
Nothing we have done has worked.
- Agnes

Trywell: Sometimes it's dreams,
and sometimes it's just lies.
William: It's not a dream, Papa.
I'm not dreaming.

Trywell: Water?
William: Yes, sir.
Trywell: From wind?
William: It can work,
if you help me.
Trywell: Okay.

I've been thinking about this machine, William.
I've been thinking about 
how it will carry you away 
and keep you here at the same time.
Because no one can see this thing
and not think of you.
No one would want to.
Wherever you are.
Go to school.
- Trywell

- GOD is as the wind,
       which touches everything -

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