Movie Quotes: I Am Kalam

“Great dreams of great dreamers are always transcendent.” 

- APJ Abdul Kalam, Former President of India

Bhati: What is the point of studying?

Laptan: Yes. What’s the point?

Chotu: I want to wear a tie, become a successful man

and get famous.

Bhati: Don’t be so ambitious, kid. Be realistic.

He believes that destiny can be changed through actions.

He says that success depends on four things:

First, a clear aim in life.

Second, good education.

Third, hard work.

And fourth, perseverance.

Now you decide whether you’ll have faith in your destiny or your actions.

- TV news/ APJ Abdul Kalam, President of India

President Kalam says,

“There is no age bar for education.”

- Chotu

Your Highness: Destiny makes a man rich or poor.

Ranvijay: Do you believe that destiny makes a man,

or his actions?

Dreams can be heartbreaking.

Stop living in the world of dreams.

- Bhati

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