Movie Quotes: Stuck in Love

I remember that it hurt.
Looking at her hurt.
- Rusty

I never enjoy anything.

I'm always waiting for whatever's next.
I think everyone's like that...
living life in fast forward
never stopping to enjoy the moment
too busy turn to rush through everything
so we can get on what we're really supposed to be doing with our lives.
I get these flashes of clarity, brilliant clarity,
where, for a second I stop and I think,
wait, this is it, this is my life.
I better slow down and enjoy it
because one day we're all gonna end up in the ground
and that will be it, we'll be gone.
That's why I think we should flack.
- Samantha

Wait, uhm, can I ask you a question without you getting defensive?


There are two kinds of people in this world,
hopeless romantics and realists.

Rusty, a writer is the sum of their experiences.

Go get some.
- Bill

Love is setting a place at a table

for someone who is never coming home.

Samantha: You do seem unusually trooper today.

You discover antidepressants?
Bill: Actually, no, just, ah, movin' on with my life,
And that's the whole thing with your mom,
and I'm movin' forward.
Samantha: Seriously?
Bill: New Year's resolution. How 'bout that? Movin' on.
Samantha: Dad?
Bill: Yah.
Samantha: Oh, that's huge!

Samantha: 'ey, Lou.

Lou: Uh, huh?
Samantha: You make me feel less cynical.

Can I ask you a serious question? 

Are you color blind?
- Tricia

I know it's your first heart break.

I know it hurts.
*Nothing hurts like the first one,
but you've got to channel this in a work,
like some positive out of it.
- Bill

It's okay to stop waitin'.

- Samantha

The most important thinga are the hardest to say.

- Stephen King (voice)

I could hear my heat beating

I could hear everyones' heart
I could hear the human noise we sather making
not one of us moving
not even when the room went dark.
- Bill


Unknown said...

It's not "Lovin' hurts like the first one" It's "Nothing hurts like the first one."

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Unknown said...

I actually really liked this movie