Movie Quotes: Reflections in the Mud

"The best words to accurately describe the horrors of war, 
as this correspondent has witnessed, 
are the very worst words of any language. 
Yet, such dire circumstances can still inspire the very best human
qualities and even the pinnacle of selfless personal sacrifice.

Then, however, no words are ever adequate enough."
- Leslee Williams

We strive onward day after day, seeking and hoping to find, 
answers to the question that's always seem to fill our minds. 
Somehow never realize in our owing at reality grasping so much 
they don't really need passing by freedom, 
and love always in search of something, or . . . 
- Leslee

I awoke this morning 
To find myself
Wrapped in thoughts of you
- Jonathan's email

Oh, I see, you fall and you can't get up.
- Ray

I am woman hear me roar.
- Leslee

Only thoughts are complicated.
- Jonathan

I feel powerless. 
Somebody turned away simply from misunderstanding, 
but I know how it all fits together but it all comes down to faith.

Faith that good people will do the right thing, 
and show 'em the truth. I have to play on that.
- Leslee

Sometimes you've got to lived to learn, and even if you can't see,
sometimes you've got to feel the fire, and see how things have to be.
You can give your heart and soul, to a simple man's touch but there's, 
there's so much to give before you have to talk to twitch.

Love isn't like fire, you alone can't put in the fuel,
and expect to feel the warmth.

love isn't like a fire that's died out in the rain.
Even you freezing out on the cold and feel the pain. 

I'm I one of those fools who closed their eyes and never seen the warmth? 
The fire doesnt warm by itself, it needs love.
- Leslee


Be the light you are,
and let the world see what you saw in him.
Shine for Jonathan.
- Ray

Even though we're not together please remember my embrace.
- Jonathan

Do you feel like the things you see are real,
or do they seem like they're make believed?
Just something you perceived are the shadows of your mind.
- Jonathan

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