Movie Quotes: 10 Things I Hate About You

Ms. Perky: Patrick Verona.
I see we're making
our visits a weekly ritual.
Patrick: Only so we can have these moments
together. Should I hit the lights?
Ms. Perky: Oh, very clever, kangaroo boy.

Bianca: Yeah, but see, there's a difference
between like and love.
Because I like my Skechers,
but I love my Prada backpack.
Chastity: But I love my skechers.
Bianca: That's because you don't have
a Prada backpack.
Chastity: Oh..

Someday you're gonna get bitch slap, 
and I'm not gonna do a thing to stop it.
- Mr. Morgan

Chastity: I know you can be overwhelmed,
and you can be underwhelmed,
but can you ever just be "whelmed"?
Bianca: I think you can in Europe.

Bianca: In case you haven't heard, my sister's
a particularly hideous breed of loser.
Cameron: Yeah. Yeah, I noticed
she's a little antisocial.
Why is that?
Bianca: Unsolved mystery.
She used to be really popular,
and then it was, like,
she got sick of it, or something.
Theories abound as to why,
but I'm pretty sure she's just
incapable of human interaction.
Plus, she's a b*tch.
Cameron: Well, yeah, but I'm sure,
you know, that there are
lots of guys who wouldn't mind
going out with a difficult woman.
I mean, you know, people jump
out of airplanes and ski off cliffs.
It'd be like "Extreme Dating."
Bianca: You think you could find
someone that extreme?
Cameron: Yeah, sure, why not?
Bianca: And you'd do that for me?
Cameron: Hell, yes!
I mean, you know, I could look into it.

Bianca: Why don't you try being nice?
People wouldn't know what to think.
Kat: You forget, 
I don't care what people think.
Bianca: Yes, you do.
Kat: No, I don't.
You don't always have to be
who they want you to be, you know.
Bianca: I happen to like being adored, thank you.

My insurance does not cover PMS!
- Walter

Walter: I'm your father. That's my right.
Kat: So what I want doesn't matter.
dad: You're 18. You don't know what you want.
And you won't know
what you want till you're 45,
and even if you get it,
you'll be too old to use it.

.. don't let anyone 
ever make you feel 
like you don't deserve what you want. 
Go for it.
- Patrick

The only thing people know
about me is that I'm scary.
- Kat

You know, just 'cause you're beautiful,
that doesn't mean that you can
treat people like they don't matter.
- Cameron

"In faith, I do not love thee
With mine eyes"
"For they in thee a thousand errors note"
"But 'tis my heart that loves
What they despise"
"Who, in despite of view
Is pleas'd to dote"
- Mr. Morgan, Sonnet 

Michael: "Who could refrain
That had a heart to love"
"And in that heart..."
Mandella: "Courage to make love known."
Michael: That's Macbeth, right?
Mandella: Right.

Kat: You're looking at this 
from entirely the wrong perspective.
We're making a statement.
Mandella: Oh, goody.
Something new and different for us.

Patrick: So, what's your excuse?
Kat: For?
Patrick: For acting the way we do?
Kat: I don't like to do what people expect.
Why should I live up to other people's
expectations instead of my own?
Patrick: So, you disappoint them from the start
and then you're covered, right?
Kat: Something like that.
Patrick: Then you screwed up.
Kat: How?
Patrick: You never disappointed me.

Kat: Tell me something true.
Patrick: Something true.
I hate peas.
Kat: No. Something real.
Something no one else knows.
Patrick: Ok. You're sweet.
and sexy.
and completely hot for me.
Kat: You are amazingly self-assured.
Has anyone ever told you that?
Patrick: I tell myself that every day, actually.

Fathers don't like to admit it
when their daughters
are capable of running their own lives.
It means we've become spectators.
- Walter

"What is popular is not always right;
what is right is not always popular."
- board

"I hate the way you talk to me
And the way you cut your hair"
"I hate the way you drive my car
I hate it when you stare"
"I hate your big dumb combat boots
And the way you read my mind"
"I hate you so much it makes me sick
It even makes me rhyme"
"I hate it
I hate the way you're always right"
"I hate it when you lie"
"I hate it when you make me laugh
Even worse when you make me cry"
"I hate it when you're not around
And the fact that you didn't call"
"But mostly, I hate the way
I don't hate you, not even close"
"Not even a little bit, not even at all"
- Kat

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