Movie Quotes: Cyberbully

Write your hearts content.
- Taylor's mom

Okay you're now officially pathetic.
- Samantha

Well I don't have a problem, you do, 
little miss I've never go all the way.
- Lindsay

You know I wish you wouldn't fake trust me,
I wish you actually do it.
- Taylor

I can't take it, if you're against me too.
- Taylor

What it's like to be so perfectly, that you don't need to feel about anything?
- Scott

Don't know unless you try. Don't hide behind your fear.
Do what it takes to stand up for yourself, and for each other.
- Counselor

It doesn't feel real.
- Samantha

Thanks to the help of people like Tina Meier and the Megan Meier Foundation, 34 states now have anti-cyberbullying laws in place.

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