Movie Quotes: Riding in Cars with Boys

Come on speak up!
If you don't ask for anything
that's where you'd gonna get
- Beverly's dad

You know what they say? 
That's what she doesn't tell you
makes you wanna die.
- Jason 

Fun, fun, fun? 
Fun is what you bring with you.
- Beverly

Listen I'm doing some incredibly daring right now
and I'm trying my best to work up some optimism.
- Beverly

I think that sometimes we love people so much
that we have to be numb to it. 
Because if we actually felt how much we really love them
it would kill us.
That doesn't make you a bad person
but just made your heart still beating.
- Fay

Some things never changed. 
Like me being confused about everything
except what she's feeling.
- Jason

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