Movie Quotes: House of D

No, I'm not drunk, I'm just talkative.
- Tommy

My story starts where every man story starts.. with mom.
- Tommy

If I wanna exercise my God given freedoms 
to experience people gettin' caught up by chain saws and 
hang-on by made hooks, I think I have a constitutional right
to do so, don't you?

Don't be in such a hurry to get old Tommy, it's no fun.
- Mrs. Brevoort

Under the bed I felt safe 'cause I knew she was safe,
As long as I could hear her breathing, I could breathe, 
and I could draw.
- Tommy

If they really like you, they treat you real bad 
and the more seem to hate you, 
the more they really like you.
- Lady Bernadette

I know what I know, and I know what I don't know.
- Mr. Pappass

Lady Bernadette: Man life is hard. But you're a lucky man! Be free. 
Tommy: What?
Lady Bernadette: Run!
Tommy: Where? Where am I gonna go?
Lady Bernadette: Anywhere! You are man! You're free! Go!
Tommy: I wanna wait for you! Lady, I wanna see you! I wanna see you!
Lady Bernadette: Boy you will never see me!

It's all right, she understands. . .
She understand a boy have to go away before he come back.
Lady Bernadette

It's for me to know and for you to found out.
- Mr. Pappass

1984 some time in the spring,
I went from retard to mentally handicapped.
And then in 1987-88, I went from handicapped to challenged,
I changed again and I'm probably changing right now.
You know, who knows what I'll be next.
- Mr. Pappass

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