Movie Quote: Lying To Be Perfect

We are all Cinderella no matter what size,
within each one of us there is unique beauty and grace.

Finding that beauty, however, isn't easy.

See, Cinderella had to first recognize 
that the problem wasn't her evil step mother.
The problem was that it was easier to hide out
cleaning the house than to go out and find happiness.
She needed a fairy-godmother to empower her
with the kind of self-confidence it takes to reject the

insecurity brought on by unrealistic, over cheating,
air brush, anorexic princess images in the media.
- Nola

Hey you know, change is good.
Old car dies, new car could be better.
- Chip/ Alex

Nola: Girls like me don't drive cars like that.
Chip: Says who?
Nola: My low self-esteem.
Chip: Oh well maybe it's time for you to grow up,
take charge of your life, and be all that you can be.

I think your father is wrong.
I, I don't think you can demand change people,
I think you have to inspire it, you know?! Yeah.
- Nola

Dear lifeless:
Your cat must be tired of the pity party
you've been throwing yourself up every day.
Maybe if you didn't get yourself down so much.
You wouldn't be so pathetic. 
You want a life? Get one.
Grant yourself a wish to change,
and stop complaining, and do something.
- Belinda/ Nola

Sometimes you need to step outside your comfort zone
and take risks to be successful.
- Chip/ Alex

Not a bad strategy.
You never try, you never fail.
- Nola

Nola: Listen. You can't let Paul dictate what you want.
You have to stand up for yourself.
Deb: I am so going to do that.
Once my stomach has been reduce to a size of a doe pickle.

Nola: Not that it's not a wonderful profession
but I didn't realize you could make so much money fixing computer. 
Chip/ Alex: My family has the money. Not me.
Yeah I've been slacking for a few years.
But I'm tryin' to change.
Nola: Oh, yeah. How's that workin' out for you.
Chip/ Alex: You know, one step forward, two step back.

Chip/ Alex: Sounds demanding.
Nola: More like all consuming.

Sometimes you have to close your eyes
and listen between the lines.
- Nola

Wear somethin' that says, 
"I'm confident and prepared for everything."

Make up should enhance not camouflage your own unique qualities,
and most importantly be yourself.
You don't want to be with anyone who doesn't see the real you.
- Belinda/ Nola

Crazy is sometimes the basis of genius.
- Charlotte

So no more cookies.
So no more standing in the shadows.
It's time you took the center stage.
- Nancy

To all the beautiful women that brought me here tonight,
just know that you are your own fairy-godmother.
So keep dreamin' your dreams
and creating your magic
and writing your own happy endings.
That's all.
- Nola/ Belinda

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