Movie Quotes: Admission

The secret... just be yourself.
If this is the right place for you,
then this where you'll end up.
- Portia

Portia: Mom, it's me!
Susannah: Who?
Portia: How many people call you mom?
Susannah: Why didn't you tell me you were coming?

Sometimes you make sacrifices for the person
you've been living with for 10 years,
that's what a healthy relationship is, mom.
- Portia

No means no, *sshole.
- Susannah

Good your angry, you need to express that.
Talk to me, I'm here for you, sweetie.
- Susannah

Nelson: I hate geography class. I hate maps.
Portia: You hate maps, why?
Nelson: Because you never know where you end up ...

I red everything.
I read biographies, mainly because
I didn't know how other people live their lives.
- Jeremiah

I think my variations reading came from a deep longing
for something that was missing.
I was searching for someone, for my story.
To not feel so alone.
- Jeremiah

You're absolutely right, Nelson.
There's nothing wrong with staying in the same place,
for a while.
- Mrs. Pressman

They admire her but they don't love her.
- Corinne

Member of the team but not a leader.
- Portia

He was a lost kid, and then he was found.
- Portia

You know how when you're swinging in a rope swing across the stream
and you're afraid to jump in and you just do?
- Portia

I can tell what is real.
- Jeremiah

What's the secret to getting in?
I can't tell you. You have to find out for yourself.
- Portia

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