Movie Quotes: The Pregnancy Pact

So, we have two big stories in the news today.
One, a woman running for president 
just picked up a big state in a primary. 
Yes, and the other is a 16 year old girl, 
pregnant, shopping for a crib.
Now, I know what life I want, 
but who is your role model?
That's the question of the day at
- Sidney Bloom

Sara, honey, growing up is not a race.
Rushing will not get you there any faster.
- Lorraine

It's like you should grow extra arms when you're having kid.
- Student teen mom

Brady: No.. I'm not accepting it.
Nurse Daly: You have no choice, I'm resigning, and protest.
Brady: Why not stay and fight. 
Nurse Daly: Because no one will back me up.
And you haven't been much help either.
Brady: I'm trying to keep the lines of communication open here.
Because I know how important this is.
Please... try to be a little more flexible. 

Sidney: Okay, right, it's embarrassing to buy condoms.
Becca: Totally, so, uhm.. why do you made me commit.
Sidney: Because when I was your age, I was too embarrassed. 
And I know, that at some point you haven't decide
if you wanna be uncomfortable for a couple minutes, 
or extremely uncomfortable for nine months.
Take your pick.

Sara: I missed you. Did you miss me?
Jesse: Like crazy.
Sara: Don't say if it isn't true.

I don't hate you, SidneyI hate the choice you made.
- Brady

Sara: You can't be serious.
Sidney: Sara, the media is only focusing on, if and when, who said what, and how.
They're not paying attention to the real issue.
You can change that, Sara. You can make people think.
Sara: No. No, I'm tired of this and I don't want to hear about it anymore. 
I hate this.

It's not a judgment, Lorraine. It's a question.
- Sidney

So, today somebody said to me that I had no right 
to talk about teenage pregnancy because I wasn't a mother. 
As if I don't have no ability of understanding what's going on here 
with at least young girls that are pregnant.
- Sidney

The truth is, when you get pregnant at young there are no good options.
Adoption, abortion, keeping it.. 
they're not gonna turn out exactly like you think.
They're gonna be painful and then your life will completely change forever.
- Sidney

What we need to do now is have a real conversation 
about how to help young woman make informed choices with themselves.
How to help them prevent a pregnancy if they're to young to handle it,
and how to help them succeed as mother's, if their choice is to have child.
Then, maybe we can tell them what every parent wishes to hear,
"congratulation on the new baby, we wish you both nothing but joy."
- Sidney

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