Movie Quotes: All Saints

Look, I know
it's not a glamour call,
but helping these people
face their loss
is godly work.
- Bishop

Aimee: You brought me to a church
full of old cranks.
Michael: I think they prefer
"senior cracks."

She looked at me
like I was from Mars.
Or worse, New York.
- Aimee

Atticus: What do you think
will happen to them
when we leave?
Michael: The Karen?
Well, I'll tell you what,
let's keep 'em
in our prayers
and ask for God's help.
Atticus: Aren't you God's help?

Michael: Thank you, Forrest.
Hey, what's your deal?
Why won't you
let me thank you?
Forrest: Save it.

Aimee: God spoke to you? The God?
Michael: Yeah. There's just The One, Aim's.
Aimee: Well, what did He say?
Michael: He said, "I've given you land.
I've given you farmers." Do the math.
Aimee: God said, "do the math?".

Bishop: This is what you do, isn't it?
Go your own way.
The lone preacher.
Michael: I only know what I'm led to do.

Bishop: Do you think
you're the first preacher
to cry for the poor
for a dying church?
Michael: It's a question
of faith for me.
Bishop: Faith in who? Yourself?

You swore an oath
as a minister to God,
not to me,
to obey even when you disagree.

God's wisdom is vast, Michael.
We don't always know
what he's asking.

Michael.. that voice you hear.
Be sure it's God's voice,
not your own.

When you need help,
and you will, you have
to ask for it.

Michael, good things happen
when we let go a little.
Didn't we just learn that?
- Aimee

Michael: Fantastic.
The Bishop send you?
Gerrard: No, I'm a Buddhist.
And my pals here are..
Nothing, apparently.
Hope that's all right.
Michael: Well, some of my best
friends are nothing.

I thought I knew
the will of God.
Then came the flood.
What was I to think?
Why, if God asked us
to plant these crops,
would He allow them
to be destroyed?
Now, I don't know
the mind of God, and
that's the truth.
Was it His voice I heard,
or was it mine?
That's something to question,
something to pray over,
at least for me.
- Michael

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