Movie Quotes: If Beale Street Could Talk

I hope that nobody
has ever had to look
at anybody they love
through a glass.
- Tish

The day I realized
Fonny was in love with me
was strange.
It was the day he gave Mama
that sculpture.
I dumped water over Fonny's head
and scrubbed Fonny's back
in the bathtub
in a time that seems
so long ago.
I don't remember
that we ever had
any curiosity concerning
each other's bodies.
Fonny loved me too much.
And that meant that there had
never been any occasion
for shame between us.
We were a part of each other,
flesh of each other's flesh,
which we so took for granted
that we never thought
of the flesh.
And yet, it was
no surprise to me
when I finally understood
that he was the most beautiful person
I had seen in all my life.
- Tish

Maybe you just
wanna walk around
a little bit more
till you make up
your mind?
- Fonny

Alice: I just pray
and I pray
and I pray
that the Lord
will bring my boy
to the light.
That's all I pray for.
Every day and every night.
And then sometimes,
sometimes I think
this might be the Lord's plan
to get my boy
to think on his sins
and surrender
his soul to Jesus.
Sharon: The Lord sure works
in mysterious ways.
Alice: Oh, yes. He does.
He may try you,
but He ain't never left
none of His children alone.

Alice: You're talking to a woman.
Frank: I'm hip.
And it's a mighty
welcome change.

That's what I keep
trying to tell you.
It's a negative attitude.
You so full of hate.
If you give people hatred,
they give it back to you.

I had never seen Fonny
outside the world
in which I moved.
I had seen him
with his father
and his mother,
and I had seen him with us.
I had certainly never
seen him in the world
in which he moved.
Perhaps it was only now
I was able to see him with me,
because even though he was
turned away from me, laughing,
he was holding my hand.

The Bible says,
"Put to death, therefore,
all that is eartly in you.
Sexual immorality, impurity,
passion, evil desire, covetousness."

Ever since the first day
I laid eyes on your
very fine person,
I got caught up
in your Adam's apple.
- Ernestine

I don't wanna sound foolish,
but remember,
love is what brought you here.
And if you trusted love
this far, don't panic now.
Trust it all the way.
- Sharon

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