Movie Quotes: She's The One

I'd think you do the right thing.
Last thing you needed to do is get married,
especially to the one.
The one thing you've got to remember,
is this is your life, not theirs.
You've got to do what makes you happy first. Okay?
- Mr. Fitzpatrick

I'm about to love.
- Mickey

I don't need to point out the obvious.
- Mickey

I mean, I don't know if I call it fun,
but uhm... certainly interesting.
- Mickey

But I was there for him, till the day he died.
- Mr. Fitzpatrick

Hey, don't get smart with me wise *ss.
You leave this to me.
I'm gonna get to the bottom of this one.
- Mr. Fitzpatrick

I should have tell you before, but I don't know how.
- Francis

I think this whole thing is crazy stupid.
But it's like, you know, uhm...
I'm a little confuse.
- Mickey

Thanks for the memories!
You ruined my life!
- Francis

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