Movie Quotes: 50/50

Katherine: How do you feel right now?
Adam: Fine! Yeah, I've, I feel, you know I, 
I can't remember being so calm in a long time.

I'd like to get touched when I cry, 
how about you?
- Kyle

Katherine: I think it's important to remember 
that these side effects are completely normal.
Adam: It's good at it to feel special 
on some kinda way.
Katherine: I'm sensing some anger which is good.
Adam: I'm not angry... or either be good.
Katherine: Because you're expressing yourself, uhm..
you are dealing with a really serious illness, and uhm.. 
it brings up a lot of emotions.
Adam: See you're, you're trying to like, 
make me freak out or something right in typical here.
Katherine: I'm not tryin' to make you freak out, 
I do want you to get in touch with what you feel inside, 
so if you're angry. . .
Adam: I'm not angry. K, a'ight.
Let's just, let's do the relaxation things. 
Okay, can we, can we do that?
I wanna hear some see tarzan, 
go to my happy place, 
and feel the warm and beam of light, 
can we do that?
Katherine: I see.
Adam: I'm sorry. I'm just being asshole. 
I don't mean to say that.
Katherine: I don't need you to take care of me, 
I'm trying to take care of you.

Touching from out stress is one of the keywords 
that hospital practitioners make, 
their patients feel more secure in stressful situations.
- Katherine

Adam: What are you talkin' about?
Kyle: What am I talkin' about?
Adam: Who wants to f*ck me, I looked like Voldemort.
Kyle: Love your thought. haha

Katherine: Admittedly, I do check his facebook like everyday, 
if he's dating somebody new, which is so pathetic.
I shouldn't have said that and I should've stop. 
Adam: Yah.
Katherine: We just listen to the radio.

I'm sorry that I didn't come to your opening, 
it's just that I hate you so much.
- Adam

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