Movie Quotes: I Melt With You

No! No! F*ck that!
That's what I f*ckin' hate man!
These people..
We, we can no longer do and
say the things that makes us feel good?

You know what I'm talkin' about!
When we get pass 40
we can no longer be honest about
what's makes us laugh!
- Richard

I still don't know...
why I've done the things that I have done.
I'm in trouble Rich.
I'm in deep..
Over my head drowned in other f*ckin' trouble.
- Ron

Randi: You live in some sort of disillusionment,
because it's easier than being honest.
Richard: Well...
Randi: What are you hiding old man?
You think that he's gonna be like you when he's older?
Because it's make feel better about yourself.
Richard: Just stay out of my f*ckin' life.

The way I see it, you got two choices:
1) you can stay here;
2) you can die there.
I got a feelin' what kind of b*llsh*t
you wrapped yourself up
and two men you are in it so deep,
and it's gonna f*ck you in the *ss,
and swallow you whole.
- Richard

We didn't do what we said we would do.
- Richard

25 years from now..
If we can't remember what this feels like..
and we have forgotten this beautiful moment, but
we said we become our PROMISE to each other.
Swearing to and by our friends,
we will NEVER forget.
See this life.
Our life.
The one we wanna live.
The men we want to be, and will be.
To forget this feelings is so felony
and if we forget,
we will die as one.
- Pact (Letter)

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