Movie Quotes: Perfect Sense

Overwhelmed with grief, 
people are hit with all that they've lost.
Lovers they never had, all the departed friends.. 
they've think about the people they've hurt.

First, overwhelmed with grief.. 
and then no sense of smell.. that's the disease. 
They call it severe old factory syndrome.. S O S.
They say it wasn't contagious, but they do believed that.
- Narrator

Susan: Thought you're in smokes tonight sailor?
Michael: I'm still a chef.
Susan: My dad called everybody sailor. 
He work in the dark always life, 
he never went sailing anywhere but he called everybody sailor.
Michael: All right.
Susan: Even people he didn't know 
and now I'm saying that goodbye sailor.
Michael: You can call me sailor if you like, or Michael.
Susan: When I was a child, 
I thought of it really embarrassing, 
now I'm doing it myself.

Life goes on.. the food become spicier, saltier, 
more sweet, more sour, you get used to it. 
The greater loss or all the memories that'll no longer triggered. 
Smell and memory were connected in the brain. 
Cinnamon might've name that two of your grandmother's apron.
The scent of cuddlin' could evoke a child with fear of calves.
These are always might back your memories of your first ferry crossing,
without smell, an ocean of passed images disappears.
- Narrator

First to tatter, and then a moment of hunger.
This is how the sense of taste disappears from our world,
they don't even have time to give the disease a name.
- Narrator

Slowly things return to normal and life goes on.
People do what they did before as best as they can.
Within a few weeks taste becomes a distant memory 
and different sensations takes its place.
- Narrator

Actually I'm starting to fade.
- Michael

But you were just like all the others, 
don't you think that you matter 'cause you don't,
you're nothing, you're just passing time.
- Michael

There are two movements now; 
there are people who run on the streets and grabbing all they can, 
people believe, but at the end of the world.
Then there's the other movement... soldiers reporting for duty.
Those who believe that life will go on somehow, 
or just don't know what else to do.
- Narrator

People prepare for the worst, but hope for the best.
They concentrate to the things that are important to them..
all the things beyond fact and flower.
- Narrator

1 comment:

Rainer said...

Hi guys, I really appreciate that you put up this quote. It is a great movie. There is one minor and sweet mistake. You wrote "old factory syndrome". But it should be "olfactory syndrome". The olfactory system is a medicinal expression for the sense of smell. Rainer If you know nothing you have to believe everything