Movie Quotes: What a Girl Wants

I feel like half of me is missing,
and without the other half, 
how am I suppose to know who I really am?
- Daphne

Libby: I love you a million swedish fish.
Daphne: I love you a million red M&M's.

Mom, you always said it was up to me to write the rest of my story 
but.. you've been writing it up for me mom, now it has to be my turn.
- Daphne

It's not my kind o' thing but I'll think about it.
- Daphne

You know what I still don't get?
Why are you tryin' so hard to fit in,
when you're born to stand out.
- Ian

But you know my dear,
it's not the crown what makes a queen,
it's what's in here (heart).
- Lady Jocelyn

But sometimes, things aren't exactly how you always imagined,
they're even better!
- Daphne

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