Movie Quotes: Prom

High school. 
It happens to everyone.
And for four years, 
it has a way of dividing us.
Athletes overachievers, 
drama queens, misfits, jokers...
But then, just before it ends, 
when we're almost out the door... night has a way 
of bringing us together. 
- Nova

It's the one night when nobody cares
who wore the varsity jacket
and who got cut from the team.
It's the night when you might find yourself
singing at the top of your lungs
with people you've never even spoken to.
The night when that cute guy 
from your math class might finally make his move.

Prom's our night, 
and each of us wants it to be unforgettable.
That's why I've been working 
all semester to make it perfect.
For me, and for all the seniors 
at Brookside High.
- Nova

Prom's like the Olympics of high school.
You wait four years, three people have a good time,
and everybody else gets to live on with shattered dreams.
- Lloyd

Jesse: Hey, Rhoda, I turned 18 last week.
You know what that means, right?
Rhoda: They can try you as an adult?
Jesse: Rhoda, you break my heart.
It means we can 
finally run away together.
You, me, the open road.

You think it's funny when people's
hard work gets destroyed?
- Mr. Dunnan

Nova: Glad you could make it.
JesseNo place I'd rather be.

Apple doesn't fall
far from the tree.
- Nova's dad

Jesse: Look, I'm sorry.
Prom is obviously
really important to you.
I just don't get it.
All this for one night.
Nova: Yeah, you're right.
But it's the last night,
and it's the last dance.
And for that one night, who we were
for four years of high school...
it doesn't matter.
It's just all of us together
in this one perfect moment.
And I wanna be a part of that.

So, do you just talk the talk or
can you walk the walk?
- Simone

Nova: So, how are you gonna get us in there?
Jesse: I'm gonna fire my grappling hook gun, climb onto the roof, and crash in through the skylight.
Nova: Really?
Jesse: No.
Nova: Oh. Good thinking.

Nova: Why are you doing this?
Jesse: Well, I hadn't broken in anywhere in a while, and I thought..
Nova: I'm serious.
You don't care about prom.
So... why help me?
Jesse: It's nice to be around someone
who believes in something so much.

I have to work my butt off 
just to try to get things to go my way.
Everybody does.
- Nova

That guy who ditched you
made a big mistake.
- Jesse

Isn't funny how you can go to school with somebody for so long,
and not even meet them till now?
- Betsy

Mei's bf: You know,
nobody knows the future.
But I do know how I feel about you.
Mei: And what if that's not enough?
Mei's bf: Mei, look at me. It's enough.

Jesse's mom: I did not marry a fighter.
I married an idiot that got into fights.
There's a difference.
You are a fighter.
You've been through a lot and
you're still here
taking care of this family.
I'd bet on you every time.
Jesse: Not everybody feels that way.
Jesse's mom: She does.

Prom, a night when nice guys 
might not finish last.
When friends might completely surprise you.
When the person you were throughout high school, could change in an instant.
Maybe you find what you're looking for.
Or maybe you just find, yourself.
It's true, 
one night can bring us all together.
But it's more than that...
...'cause when it ends...'s really just the beginning.
- Nova

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