Movie Quotes: Good Deeds

My name is Wesley Deeds, III
I grew up fifth generation Ivy League graduate. 
I can tell you my pedigree all the way back 
to the tribe that my greatest grand father came from. 
I was born into privilege.
Grown by my father to be a businessman, 
to take over his company.
Grown by my mother to be a gentleman.

I was told where to stand and how to dress, how to cut my hair, 

and what I would be doing for the rest of my life 
from the time I was five years old.
And right now, I seem to be on track. 
Who's track are don't really known.

By this time my mother thought I should be married, 

and according to my life schedule it's.. four months away.
I'll be marrying her, Natalie, she's amazing. 
We're perfect together. 
With the life like mine you'd think that 
I'd wake up happier everyday, but I don't. 
My life is perfect, but I often wonder, am I living my own life?
Or the life that I've been told, to live?

Hey, hey! That mouth o' yours will gonna get you killed man.


You don't park in a man's spot! 

See that's what's wrong with women man! 
You wanna start a fight with a man and boohoo when he fight back!

Wesley: I gotta tell you nobody's ever talked to me like that before.

"You're parkin' my spot, call me an ass, tellin' me i' just.. 
been a pretty interesting day my friend."
Lindsey: That is sad, if that is true.
Wesley: What's that?
Lindsey: You mean's nobody's ever told you the truth.
Wesley: No. 
Lindsey: That's what I mean.
Wesley: No, I beg the different.
People tell me the truth that just not, 
that just not rude when they say it.
Lindsey: I don't call it rude, I was just bein' direct.
Wesley: Direct? 
Lindsey: Uh, huh. 
Wesley: Okay fine, if you say so. 
Lindsey:  Uh, huh. I do.
Wesley: Direct.
Lindsey: Is that turned you on? Huh?
Wesley: I got jokes. 
Lindsey: See your face.
Wesley: Funny true.

Wesley: It was good you're so mean.
Lindsey: I'm not mean. 
Just like you're not, disconnected, 
and cold, and stiff, and uptight.
Wesley: Oh, was like, where is that coming from?
Are you tryin' to relax me or stress me out?
Lindsey: No I'm just sayin' that's what I thought when I met you but,
you are incredibly sweet, a good person,
very sweet, very kind, very caring.
You just have to say your face right, I understand. 
There you go.
Wesley: Thank you.
Lindsey: You're welcome.

I know it's so proud, I know who that,

you used to do and everything on your own.
But sometimes even the best ones we know need a little help. 
So let me do this for you. It up to you.

You don't have to apologize for doin' what you feel.

It was good.

Walt: Fi-first dad's screws me over, 

now my brother's screws me over?
Wesley: Nobody screwing you over man. 
Everything has happened to you, you doin' it yourself.
You sabotage every good thing that comes in your life, 
and I can't help you with that anymore. 
That's all you wanna be, you be here, 
but can't be here with me, I'm done.

Now look, a lot of times in a relationships 
people don't say what they feel 'cause they're afraid of getting hurt,
or let down but I wanna take this chance with you.
Even though what your mother said scared me, 
and I don't wanna be a project to you Wesley
I had Ariel to think about and. . . no.

I don't know what's out there, and what's waiting for me

but whatever it is, I'm gonna find it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Honestly is the best romantic film fo ilike Wesley, honestly I totally fall in love him, there type of man out there like him, Omg I cried when I watched this cos I felt something and I know I can never get it just gonna remain as night sleep dream for me 😔 😔