Movie Quotes: A Bird of the Air

Some people talk to say something,
some when they have something to say.
- Narrator, Margie 

You know the first time i saw you,
I decided to be forward.
I mean, I was already forward before I decided to be forward,
so it wasn't that much of a leap for me.

But I thought it would put you at ease.
- Fiona

It's my house.
I don't go places in it.
I come home to it.
- Lyman

People lose things, I pick them up.
- Lyman

Momma believed since you never really knew
when you're really gonna go,
it's best to keep a clear conscience.
Not led to some birdy awkward conversations,
I tell you.
Some things a son should never know.
- Mr. Charles Ballard

Dr. Reynosa: Your parrots thrive on contact.
Feather plucking is often associated with loneliness.
Have you thought about getting him a mate?
Lyman: No, this guy’s pretty ancient,
sex would probably pop his heart like a balloon.
Dr. Reynosa: Well, I don’t know about you,
but I’d say it’s a better way to go
than dying bald and alone.

I don't need a formal education to understand the obvious.
- Lyman

Lyman: Relationships.. they don’t last,
they all break in the end.
Fiona: Oh, that’s fairly pessimistic.

Maybe they don’t all last,
Lyman, but like they say,
doesn’t mean the fall wasn’t worth the ride.
- Fiona

Yup, eat, drink, and be merry.
I’m all for that.
It’s very optimistic.
- Fiona

I think some women believe that a man is born
the moment they meet him.
- Lyman

Lyman: Cars don’t break down as often,
but people need me as much as ever.
I don’t know,
it just doesn’t seem to mean much anymore.
Margie: You’ll find it again,
like your parrot.
Being lost is only temporary.

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