Movie Quotes: My Last Day Without You

Leticia: You carrying a heavy turn today, huh?
Niklas: what?
Leticia: it just ah.. 
there's something about your expression.
Never mind.

This is nothing personal.
- Niklas

Whatever you wish, we see what happens.
- Niklas

Mahdi: Hey friend.
My wife from Nebraska, she leaved because she had another man, rich man. 
Okay, also perhaps with more hair, more sexy, like the baby face.
Okay, but now I only look for a good woman,
beautiful is not so important to me.
My friend, you know love? My friend?
Niklas: Sorry, what?
Mahdi: Love, you what that is?
I think now most of the woman is good for me
because God is unhappy for me.
I think he will see that my heart is good once more, 
and charmer.

You must be good at what you do.
- Leticia

Leticia: What are we celebrating again?
Niklas: Perhaps chance?! Meeting my chance?!
Leticia: Is that what it is?
Your shorts are not paid. 
God executing his big all master plan.
Niklas: As I say, I'm a numbers person,
More a scientific mind, 
I prefer to think of probabilities.
Leticia: That's very romantic.
That will make any woman's knees buckle. 
Damn. Huh. Probabilities.

You can't buy forgiveness.
- Pastor Johnson

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