Movie Quotes: The Perfect Family

 She probably say,
"most people will get this award sooner or later, Eileen,
but most of them will get it a lot sooner."
- Eileen

You took a vow.
Once you say something, you can't take it back.
Once you do something, you can't undo it.
- Eileen

Frank Jr.: I'm just tryin' to be happy.
Eileen: Oh, who cares if you're happy?
You need to do the right thing.

You've to live with the choices you've made.
- Eileen

Eileen: I don't understand any of these.
Frank: Then you don't have to.

It's always the same word.
She's perfect.
Not cute, not adorable, she's perfect.
- Frank

To quote Matthew 22:14,
"many are called, but few are chosen."
- Sister Joan

Father Joe: So, how can I help you?
Eileen: I've made a lot of mistakes.
Father Joe: That we all struggle from time to time.
Eileen: What if it's all the time?
Father Joe: I think you're being a little hard on yourself.
Eileen: No, I'm not.

Father Joe: The only real obligation you'll have
is just to be in one unit. Unite as in love.
Eileen: I have been going to church my whole life
but I've never heard anybody like you.

Even a moment can be a gift.
- Eileen

No you never had to imagine what you could have had.
- Shannon

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