Movie Quote: Seeking A Friend For The End of The World

Penny: So?
Dodge: So?
Penny: What you doing the rest of your life? 
Dodge: Oh, ahm.. little this, little that.
Probably catchin' up on some me time, thank God,
maybe move around some chairs.

You know what, 
I don't think I am who you think I am.
- Dodge

being afraid of dying alone is why I get married in the first place.
- Dodge

Oh man, I don't feel good.
- Dodge

There's a reason that opposite's are supposed to attract.
- Penny

Old man: Is she your girlfriend?
Dodge: I don't know.
Old man: She should be.

How could you let me go?
- Penny

I'm really glad I got to know you.
- Dodge

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