Movie Quote: Backwards

Eat. Sleep. Row.
In the life of a competitive rower,
it's all about focus.
Focus, or you won't make it.
Work can wait; friends can wait.
- Abigail/Abi

Choose a path that has heart
- Note

Abi: I got the job.
Abi's Mom: What's it pay?
Abi: Enough.

Every once in a while,
I would find myself thinking about you.
- Geoff

I guess I forgot how much fun to normal people things are
hangin' out, stayin' up pass nine, drinking champagne.
- Abi

I was happy. I like having a life.
Being normal, doing normal things, 
and maybe not a first but...
- Abi

I wasn't strong enough to say no.
- Abi

Life has a funny way of workin' out.
In the end, I did win an Olympic gold... kinda.
- Abi

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