Movie Quotes: The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Mr. Anderson: You know I heard you had a tough time last year.
But they say, if you make one friend 
on your first day you're doing okay.
Charlie: Thank you, sir, 
but if my English teacher 
is the only friend I make today, 
that would be sorta depressing.
Mr. Anderson: Yeah, I could see that.
Charlie: Don't worry Mr. Anderson, I'm okay. Thanks!

I keep telling her don't make yourself small.

- Patrick

Charlie: Why do nice people choose the wrong people to date?

Mr. Anderson: Are we talkin' about anyone specific?
Charlie: (Nods)
Mr. Anderson: We accept the love we think we deserve.
Charlie: Can we make them know that they deserve more?
Mr. Anderson: We can try.

Sam: Charlie... I know that you know, I like Greg.

But I, I wanna forget about that for a minute okay.
Charlie: Okay.
Sam: I just wanna make sure 
that the first person who kisses you.. 
loves you.. okay?

Sam: Look up. Isn't quiet?

Charlie: Sam, do you think people know 
how crazy you really were 
no one ever talk to you?
Sam: All the time.

Oh my, God/ 

My life is officially an after school special.
S-n of a b-tch!
- Patrick

Sam: I'm driving away and this feeling so small, 

just asking myself, why do I and everyone I love 
pick people who treat us like we're nothing.
Charlie: We accept the love we think we deserve.

If you wanna get better, you have to.

- Psychologist

My doctor said, 

"we can't choose where we come from
but we can choose where we go from there".
I know it's not all the answers 
but t'was enough to start putting these pieces together.
- Charlie
    I can see it...
this one moment when you know you're not a sad story... you are alive. 
And you stand up and see the lights on the buildings 
and every thing that makes you wonder. 
And you're listening to that song on that drive 
with the people you love most in this world.
And this moment, I swear... we are infinite.
- Charlie

1 comment:

Sometimes I think said...

I love this movie. And can't wait too read it ( book) . lOVE IT. Great job with quotes ;) :)