Movie Quotes: Somebody Up There Likes Me

I think it's funny that we are all sort of think we're 
not gonna die.
- Sal

The last five years I wake up and 
it's like something fast forwarded 
beyond my control.
I have a short term memory.
Everything I say, I have to say.
I know I told you this already. 
- Sal

Sal: I used to feel so sorry for forgetful people.
Max: And now?
Sal: Sympathetic.
Max: I think you mean empathetic.
Sal: I suppose you are right.

Max: It makes you wonder if you have any enemies.
Sal: Don't give her an another thought.
Your concern is a testament to pathetic vanity.

Sal: Hello, I guess you're off tonight.
Max: Yeah, tonight I am not working.
Sal: May I start offer you a cocktail?
How 'bout you dad? A glass of wine and a sense of humor?

Sal: I used to think that quitting that job and getting set up here
was the best thing that ever happened to me but now i'm not so sure.
Max: One thing you can be sure off...
Sal: You never know what's good for you.

Don't say "party of two and half", do say "welcome to Flanagan's".
Do not say "we can't do that", do say "I'll find out right away".
Don't say "yep", do say "absolutely".
Do not say "what can I get for yah", do say "how may I assist you?"
- Sal

Sal: Finally found the courage to leave your ex-wife,
which is weren't getting anywhere.
Max: I don't know if it's good idea to expect a relationship 
to be going anywhere passes certain stage.
Sal: 'cause she's poor, I know how to be poor without any help. 
I don't need anyone's help being poor.
No thank you!

I'm fallin' apart like a Mexican suitcase.
- Sal

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