Movie Quotes: The Ramen Girl

Abby, I'm so sorry.
I know this is sh*ty but
I have to do what I have to do.
I'm a traveler.
I'm proud of the fact.
I can pack my whole life into two suitcases.
Cheer up. Cheer up.
I might be back.
- Ethan

My dad told me,
I never stick to anything.
He is right.
I never manage to hold a job
more than four months.
I came here because I wanted to be with my boyfriend.
And since he left,
I've just been hangin' around and
waitin' for him to come back.
- Abby

Abby: That's the ramen shop where I work.
Toshi: Easy commute.
Abby: Uhm, yeah.
Toshi: Your boss...
Abby: Uh, huh?
Toshi: He speaks English?
Abby: Uh, not a word.
Toshi: Really.
Abby: I can't understand a word he tells me.
Not to mention he's psychotic.
He keeps tryin' to kill me.
Toshi: Why do you stay?
Abby: Maybe... it's because I have nowhere else to go.
Ah, that's pathetic.
Toshi: No. I think you're on a path to something.
One day I'm sure I'll taste Abby's ramen.
Abby: God, I hope so.
Toshi: Yah.
Abby: So what about you? What's your path?
Toshi: My path... Uhm... typical Japanese.
Working the big company.
Gets married.
Have children.
Grow old.
Abby: Oh, that's just grim.

Somewhere along the way,
I just forgot what I wanted to do with my life.
Sometimes, when I wake up at the morning
I can't breathe, that's probably
why I started this achy habit.
- Abby

The longer I'm here, the more I realize,
I don't understand anything or anybody.
- Abby

Listen to me.
The only way you're gonna survive in this country...
is to do what everybody else does,
- Gretchen

I just needed to create something for myself.
- Abby

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