Movie Quotes: Angels in the Outfield

Roger: Dad, when we gonna be a family again?
Roger's Father: Where I'm sittin'.. I'd tell you when the angels went a penny.

Maybe tomorrow you'll need a nice family, Miguel.
I'm praying for that. It could happen.
- J.P.

If there's God. 
If you're a man or a woman.
If you're listenin'. 
I really, really like... a family.
My dad, says that only happen, if the angels worth the penny.. 
with the baseball team, I mean.
So maybe you could help 'em little. Amen.
- Roger

If you see anything weird, keep it to yourself.
- George

You know.. ah.. it's been four ... and no real angels yet.
And you know I'm just thinking, maybe you shouldn't swear so much.
I bet the angels don't like it.
- Roger

Only time will tell.
- Ranch

J.P.: Roger?
Roger: What?
J.P.: Are you asleep?
Roger: If I was asleep why would I be talkin' to you.
J.P.: You could be sleep talking.

Less is more.
- Ranch

I'm not sure the pain that cost difficult away.
But I am sure, you can't go through life, 
thinkin' everyone you meet will one day let you down, 
because if you do, a very bad thing will happen.
You'll end up like me.
- George

We all need somebody to watch out for us.
Every kid I have ever taken care of, 
has been lookin' for someone to love - an angel. 
You gotta have faith. You gotta believe. You gotta look inside yourself.
The foot prints of an angel, our love, and where there is love, 
miraculous things can happen. I've seen it.
- Maggie

I came here this year season not to believe in you guys.
I didn't believe in anything, but when you stood up this morning, 
you gave me back my reason to believe.
I'm more proud at being a part of this team than any team up it on.
You're all winners and I believe in you.
So let's go out there and show them what else can do.
Let's take that champion.
- George

Even though you can't see us, we're always watchin'.
- Al the Angel

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