Movie Quotes: Little Black Book

"Hell is empty. All the devils are here."
- William Shakespeare, The Tempest

The Question: How does a girl who falls,
no, actually she jumps,
eyes open, down a rabbit hole,
plummeting into chaos...
...come out the other end unchanged?

The Answer: She doesn't.
See, I know because that girl.. is Me.
- Stacy

"Luck is when preparation meets opportunity."
You got to prepare for the life you want.
- Stacy's mom

"Drive your own life."

"You are your future."

"We are what we think."
- Buddha

"We are the hero of our own story."
- Mary McCarthy

Don't over commit yourself unless you are absolutely certain.
- Stacy's mom

I'm sorry, Bean.
We have only but one road to travel in this life
and I just don't think we're on the same one.
- Stacy

There are moments in life where you hope
your decisions weren't rush.
Moments where you just know.
I had met my life mate. I was certain.
- Stacy

Kippie: You must be Stacy.
Stacy: Wow, I'm so unbelievably sorry about what happened.
Kippie: Please.. let who he is without sin cast the first stone.

People will tell you who they are,
if you just listen.
You can figure them out.
Sometimes you can help.
- Barb

Those who do not learn from his history
are condemned to repeat it.
- Ira

Life's about certainty.
It's about being in control.
- Stacy

Stacy: So, tell me, Rachel.
What did you have to sacrifice
to get your relationships, family, pets?
Dr. Rachel: I never wanted to settle
in order to settle down.
You know what I'm talkin' about.
Stacy: Of course.

Barb: What?
Stacy: I've just smashed an answering
machine with a hockey stick.
Barb: Da*n proud of you!

Joyce: Right now, I'm not rushing into anything or anyone.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...
Barb / Stacy: Shame on me.
Joyce: Exactly.
Stacy: Something about the way
she believed she might get him back..
made me believe it too.

I felt like a lying sack of fertilizer.
Knowing what I knew
and not knowing what I didn't.
and knowing more than anything
that I had to know more.
- Stacy

Joyce: And who am I trying to kid, you know?
A clean break is easier.
You can reset it...
and it heals, and you move on.
But if you leave things messy
or things don't get put right
then it just hurts. Forever.
It's really time for me to move away from him.
From all this. I don't even know who is anymore.
Stacy: I should have felt happier at that moment.
I had won. But the cost was high
and the victory hollow.
I had taken a good friend
from someone I loved.
And nothing about that felt right.

The Question: How does the girl
who jumps into a rabbit hole
plummeting into chaos, come out unchanged?
The Answer: She doesn't.

Wow, this all makes sense in some cosmic way. Ha!
I get it. I get it.
- Stacy

Stacy: Every plan I had for my life
went so unbelievably wrong.
Bean: John Lennon said, "life happens when you're busy making other plans."
Stacy: Then I got shot.
Bean: Right. You just gotta live.
Stop planning your moves.
Let 'em happen. You might be surprised.
Stacy: Do you believe in happy endings, Bean?
Bean: Yeah, yeah, I think so.
How, how 'bout you?
Stacy: I do. Isn't that funny?
I still do with all my heart.
Even when the girl
doesn't get the guy in the end.
Or, in my case, both guys.

By fall, I was ready to try again.
A little bruised. A little humbled.
And, hopefully, a little smarter.

I believe we write our own stories.
And each time we think
we know the end... we don't.

Perhaps, luck exists
somewhere between the world of planning,
the world of chance,
and in the peace that comes from knowing
that you just can't know it all.
You know, life's funny that way.
Once you let go of the wheel,
you might end up, right where you belong.
- Stacy

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