Movie Quotes: While You Were Sleeping

Okay, there are two things that
I remember 'bout my childhood.
I just don't remember
it being this orange.
First, I remember being with my dad.
He will get this far off looks in his eye
and he would say
"life doesn't always turn out
the way you plan".

I just wish I'd realized at the time
he was talking about my life.
But that never stopped us from
talking our adventures together.
He would pack up our sometimes working car
and he would tell me amazing stories
about strange and exotic lands
as we headed off to exciting
destinations like Milwaukee.
It's amazing how exotic, Wisconsin, isn't?

But my favorite memories
were the stories
that he would tell me about my mom.

He would take me to the church
where they got married
and I'd beg him to tell me
more about the ceremony
and about my crazy Uncle Irwin 
who fell asleep in the macaroni and cheese.

And I asked my dad when he knew
that he truly loved my mom.
And he said to me,
"Lucy, your mother gave me a special gift,
she gave me the world."
Actually it was a globe with a light in it.
But for the romantic that he was
it might as well have been the world.
- Lucy

Jerry: I know it isn't fair, and
I can't make you do it.
But, Lucy, you're the only one.
Lucy: Without family.

Well, next time you talk to yourself...
tell yourself you're single
and end the conversation.
- Wanda

Saul: Is there a pharmacy in the hospital?
Wanda: What do you need?
Saul: Elsie, she wants nitroglycerin.
Wanda: Oh, for her heart problem?
Saul: Problem? Problems.

You know something,
I think you saved her life.
In fact, I think you
saved the whole family.
Bless you.
- Saul 

Well, we saw each other
and, he smiled.
And I knew that my life
would never be the same.
- Lucy

It's just that, you know,
when I was a kid...
I always imagined
what I would be like...
or where I would be
or what I would have
when I got older.
And, you know, it was
the normal stuff.
You know, I'd have a house and
family and things like that.
Not that I'm complaining or anything..
because, you know, I have a cat.
I have an apartment.
Sole possession of the remote control.
That's very important.
It's just...
I never met anybody that I
could laugh with, you know?
*Do you believe in
love at first sight?
No, I bet you don't.
You're probably too sensible for that.
Or have you ever, like,
seen somebody and
you knew that if only
that person really knew you
they would ...
Well, they would of course dump
the perfect model that they were with...
and realize that you were the one that
they wanted to just grow old with.
Have you ever fallen in love with
somebody you haven't even talked to?
Have you ever been so alone you spend
the night confusing a man in a coma?
- Lucy

Look on the bright side
he's got more room in his jockey shorts.
- Elsia

They need you Lucy,
just like you need them.
- Saul

Lucy, you're born into a family.
You do not join them
like you do the Marines.
- Jerry

You are unlucky at cards.
But lucky in love.
Remember in, like,
fifth or sixth grade
I was startin' to get really
good at poker and
goin' home with lots of lunch money?
I got to know the principal's
office really well.
He always used to say to me...
"how come you can't be more
like your brother Peter?"
Well, you know what?
I was all right with that.
I had no problems with that
because I was proud of you.
And I was never envious of
anything that you had...
until now.
- Jack

Mary: Hey, look, you guys. You're
under the mistletoe.
Elsie: Kiss her then. It's mistletoe.
Ox: Yeah.
Midge: It's tradition.
Ox: It's Christmas.
Elsie: Come on, idiot, kiss her.

Jack: Fact is, you're not really Peter's type.
Lucy: Yeah, Jack? A'right.
Whose type am I?
Thank you.
Jack: Look, it's a great idea, you and Peter.
It's just not obvious to the whole world,
that's all.
Lucy: You know what, Jack?
I've had a really lousy Christmas.
You've just managed to kill my New Year's.
If you come back on Easter,
you can burn down my apartment.
Jack: Hey, come on, Lucy!
Lucy: What do you want from me, Jack?
Jack: I want you not to be unhappy.
Lucy: And what are you, the happiness guru, Jack?
Are you happy?
Because I don't remember you
having had a conversation with your father.
Mean you do wanna leave the business, don't you?
It's just like another miscommunication...
Jack: Hey!
Lucy: ...that we are having here.
Jack: What do you about my family?
Spending a week with them
does not make you an expert.
Lucy: Spending a lifetime with them
hasn't made you one either.

You're right.
But you have no idea
what it's like to be alone.
- Lucy

Saul: Let me handle it.
I'm too old a friend and
too old a person for them to kill.
I'll take care of it. A'right.
Lucy: Okay.
Saul: And I'll do it right now. Come on.
Lucy: Okay.
Saul: I'm right behind you.

Dr. Rubin: Hey, remember her?
Peter: Should I?

Life is a pain in the ass.
I'll tell you.
You know, you work hard,
try to provide for the family and then..
for one minute, everything's good.
Everyone's well, everyone's happy.
In that one minute, you have peace.
- Ox

Peter: Facing death makes
a man evaluate his life.
And I've been thinking about mine
and haven't liked what I've seen.
I've seen a man who has
courtside tickets to the Bulls..
a lucrative investment portfolio.
An apartment on la Rue du
Faubourg Saint-Honore.
Lucy: Where?
Other Patient: Paris.
Peter: But I've also seen a man
who has no one to trust...
no one to wanna have a son with.
You were there when I
needed someone the most.
You gave me a second
chance at life.
It took a coma to wake me up.
My family loves you.
I might as well love you.
Lucy Eleanor Moderatz..
will you marry me?

Hey, Luce.
I just wanted to say
that I'm sorry..
things didn't work out
with that guy.
And, you know, right now,
you should get in touch
with the child within
and explore your feminine side.
And, you know, don't start eating
cookies and cake and stuff like that
because you'll blow up like
my Aunt Roberta, you know?
And you deserve better than that.
- Joey

Jack: Lucy... I need to ask you a question.
Elsie: Get down on your knee.
It's more romantic.
Saul: He's proposing. Let him do it!
Elsie: I am letting him do it.

Jack: Marry me?
Lucy: Yeah. I love you.
Jack: I love you back.

So, I had planned to marry Peter,
but I married Jack instead.
Thank goodness my father was right.
Life doesn't always turn out the way you plan.

But Jack, Jack gave me the perfect gift
a stamp in my passport.
He took me to Florence for our honeymoon.
I guess you might say he gave me the world.

Peter once asked me
when it was that I fell in love with Jack.
And I told him...
"it was While You Were Sleeping."
- Lucy

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