Movie Quotes: Santa Hunters

"Over the course of human history 
there have been questions, mysteries. 
Our world is filled with things we can't explain
and legends we've never even seen.

Yet, there is one legend who're fascinating than the rest.

A yuletide visitor from the North.
He flies through our skies undetected 
and travels the globe on a magical sled.

We find presents beneath trees
stockings filled by an unseen hand.

He goes about his secret work

leaving not a single whisker of evidence

We never see him but he knows 

if we've been naughty, or nice.

Without proof, he is just a mystery.

(obscure) until now..."
- Narrator

For reals! My principal is Santa Claus.

- Elizabeth

He (Santa Claus) must be real. I follow his blog.

- Student

Question: What is he?

Only comes out at night. 
Lives Forever.
Commands flying animals. 
Yup, goats vampire.
I made just a theory, it doesn't make him bad.
I don't judge.
- Zoey

Alex: Would you cut it out with the toys, please!

Zoey: Huh?! (Obscure). 
I'm a woman of Science. I don't play with toys.

Natasha: Play times over. 

Grown man don't play in house and trees.
Charlie: But baby...
Natasha: Come down here now. 
Before disease infested (obscure) in you!
Zoey: Wow, sounds like somebody needs to be visited 
by the ghost of Christmas' past, present, and future.

Zoey: Dining room cam, nothin'.

Tree cam, boring. Kitchen cam, nothin'.
Aquarium cam, fish bubbles and fish poop
and I span too much.
Alex: Living room's clear.
Richard: Slayer 2 in position.
Alex: You're not slayer 2, we discussed this.
Richard: Roger that, boss man.
Elizabeth: Roger?! If he can be Roger, I wanna be Ariel.
Alex: Nobody's gonna be Ariel, or Roger, or Slayer 2
This is Science people, normal names, Science! Cut it out! 
Elizabeth: Tiring.
Zoey: How can I make it Science with all these dysfunction.

Alex: Are you all forgetting the whole purpose of this mission?

Is to prove to people, and that, the non-believers that they're wrong.
Zoey: It was a good try, Alex
Really good but it's time to shut it down and take a long thirds of nap.
Richard: Agreed. Sorry Alex, mission aborted.
Alex: Fine, go to bed. Enjoy your dreams of sugar farm fairies.

He's (Santa Claus) fast for a fat man.

- Elizabeth

Charlie: Why is Christmas' magic weakening?

Santa Claus: Why? Because of you!
All: Us? What? Wait! We?
Santa Claus: A great soul. 
You see, children aren't actually suppose to see Santa
It's part of the Christmas rules. 
That's why Santa has to stay on the down low.
Even if you kids had a glimpse of me, well, Christmas' magic lessens.
Then, that happens.

Natasha: No one has a real video of Santa
We can sell it. We'll be rich! 
(Obscure) a thousand Christmases, a million!
Charlie: ...but baby, that, that doesn't seem right.
Natasha: Charlie, you can't even keep a job 
and I am woman of an expensive taste.
We can finally rid of smelly car.
Charlie: Smelly? My baby? The classic!
Natasha: Classic is American for garbage.
Charlie: Aww, just, just aww.
Alex: We're not selling anything.
Richard: Yeah!
Alex: This wasn't about money and now it's up to us to help Santa.
Natasha: Fine, have it your way.

Alex: You don't have to prove anything. 

Christmas is what you make of it.
You don't need videos or DNA evidents. 
You just need a little...
Santa Claus: Belief.
Alex: Belief.
Santa Claus: Belief is not limited by the impossible. 
It's belief that makes the impossible happen.
Alex: Belief, that's it. The magic is believin'!

Nothing is impossible, as long as we believe.

- Alex

Zoey: Have you people learn nothing tonight?

All: Believe. Believe. Believe. Believe. Believe. Believe. Believe.

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