Movie Quotes: August: Osage County

""Life is very long." 
- T.S. Eliot.

Not first person to say it 

certainly not first person thinking
but he is getting credit for 
but he is bothered to write it down.

Now if you say it, 

you have to say his name after it.

Life is very long - T.S. Eliot."

Violet: What you do to your hair?
Ivy: I had it straightened.
Violet: Why would anybody do that?
Ivy: Just wanted to changed.
Violet: You're pretty girl.
Why don't you wear make up?
Ivy: Do I need make-up?
Violet: Every woman needs make-up.
Don't let anybody tell you different.
The only woman, pretty enough 
to go without make-up was Elizabeth Taylor.
And she wore a ton.
(Obscure) love 'til your hair all straight.
Don't wear a make-up, you look like a lesbian.
Ivy: Mom...
Violet: You couldn't get a descent man 
if you just (obscure) up a bit, that's all I'm sayin'.
Ivy: I'm not lookin' for a man.

Ivy: Is your mouth burnin'?

Violet: Like a son of a b*tch.
My tongue is on fire.
Ivy: You suppose to be smokin'?
Violet: Is anybody suppose to smoke?
Ivy: Are you scared?
Violet: 'Course I am scared.
You are comfort to me sweetheart.
Thank God, one of my girl stayed close to home.

Charlie: You don't burn a man's books.

Mattie Fae: You do, if the situations calls for it.
Charlie: Man's books didn't do anything.

You have to be smart, to be complicated.

- Mattie Fae

Mattie Fae: Watchin' ball games and drinking beer.

Do you have any sense of what's goin' around you?
Charlie: Am I suppose to sit here like a statue?
I mean, you're drinkin' whisky.
Mattie Fae: I'm havin' a cocktail.
Charlie: You're drinkin' straight whisky.
Mattie Fae: Just have a little class.

Listen to me...

Die after me, all right.
I don't care what else you do
Where you go or screw up your life
Just... survive. Please.
- Barbara

Ivy: You're still beautiful.

Violet: Oh, one of those lies we tell, give us comfort.
Women are beautiful, when they are young and not after.

Barbara: Oh, is this your confession then.

When you finally unload off.. huh!
Bill: You're thoughtful, Barbara, but you're not open.
You're passionate but you're hard.
You're a good descent, funny woman, and I love you
but you're a pain in the *ss. 

Truth is, you just can't compete with a younger woman 

which is one of those unfair things in life.
- Violet

Barbara: Let the pills talk.

Violet: Pills can't talk.

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