Movie Quotes: Good Will Hunting

Trust. Very important
in a relationship.
It's also very important
in a clinical situation.
Why is trust
the most important thing...
in making a breakthrough
with a client?
- Sean

Maybe you should watch your mouth!
- Sean

But you can't tell me what it feels
like to wake up next to a woman...
and feel truly happy.

If I asked you about love,
you'd probably quote me a sonnet,
but you've never looked at a woman
and been totally vulnerable.
Know someone that could
level you with her eyes.
Feelin' like God put an angel
on Earth just for you,
who could rescue you
from the depths of hell.
And you wouldn't know
what it's like to be her angel,
to have that love for her
be there forever.
Through anything.

No one could possibly
understand the depths of you.
But you presume to know everything about me
because you saw a painting of mine.
- Sean

You're terrified
of what you might say.

She all knew my little peccadillos.
People call these things
"imperfections," but they're not.

That's the good stuff.
And then we get to choose who we let
into our weird little worlds.

You're not perfect, sport.
And let me save you
the suspense.

This girl you met
she isn't perfect either.
But the question is whether or not
you're perfect for each other.
That's the whole deal.
That's what intimacy is all about.

Now you can know everything
in the world, sport,
but the only way you're findin'
out that one is by givin' it a shot.

You certainly won't learn
from an old f*cker like me.
Even if I did know, I wouldn't
tell a pissant like you.

'Cause you'll have bad times,
but that'll always wake you up...
to the good stuff you weren't
paying attention to.

So when did you know, like,
that she was the one for you?

Direction's one thing.
Manipulation's another.
- Sean

Skylar: It's not fair.
Will: What's not fair? What?
Skylar: I've been here for four years,
and I've only just found you.
Will: Well, you found me.

Will: What am I so scared of?
Skylar: Well, what aren't you scared of?
You live in this safe little world
where no challenges you
and you are scared sh*tless to do
Will: Oh, no.
Skylar: anything else 'cause that
Will: Don't...,
Skylar: would mean you have to change...
Will: don't tell me about my world.
Don't tell me about my world!

Skylar: So don't put your shit on me when
you're the one that's afraid.
Will: I'm afraid? What am I afraid of?
What the f*ck am I afraid of?
Skylar: You're afraid of me, you're afraid
that I won't love you back.
You know what? I'm afraid too.
But f*ck it, I want to give it a shot.
At least I'm honest with you.
Will: I'm not honest with you?

Skylar: I wanna hear because I wanna help you because...
Will: Help me? What the f*ck?
What do I got, a f*ckin' sign
on my back that says: "Save me"?
Skylar: No.
Will: Do I look like I need that?
Skylar: No, God! I just wanna be with you...
Will: Don't b*llsh*t me!

Look at me. What
do you wanna do?
You and your b*llshit. You got
a b*llshit answer for everybody.
But I ask you a very simple question
and you can't give me a straight answer.
Because you don't know.
- Sean

No "good-bye, no see ya later."
No nothing. You just left.
I don't know much,
but I know that.
- Chuckie

Gerry: Why does he hiding?
Why doesn't he trust anybody?
Sean: Because the first thing
that happened to him,
he was abandoned by the people who were
supposed to love him the most.
Gerry: Oh, come on. Don't give
me that Freudian crap.
Sean: Oh no, listen Gerry,
and why does he hang out
with those retarded
gorillas, as you call them?
Because any one of them,
if he asked them to,
would take a f*ckin' bat
to your head, okay?
That's called loyalty.
Gerry: Yeah, that's very touching.
Sean: And who's he handling?
He pushes people away
before they have 
a chance to leave him.
It's a defense
mechanism, all right?
And for 20 years, he's been alone
because of that.
And if you push him right now, it's gonna
be the same thing all over again.
And I'm not gonna let
that happen to him.
Gerry: Oh, don't you do that, Sean.
Sean: What, Gerry?
Gerry: Don't you do that, don't infect him
with the idea that it's okay to quit,
that it's okay to be a failure.
Because it's not okay, Sean!
And if you're angry at me for being...
being successful,
for being what you
could have been, Sean...
Sean: I'm not angry at you.
Gerry: Oh, yes, you're angry at me, Sean.
You resent me, but I'm not gonna apologize
for any... any success I've had.
You're angry at me for doing
what you could have done!
But ask yourself, Sean...
Ask yourself...
if you want Will to feel that way...
if you want him to feel like your failure?
Sean: Oh, you arrogant shit!
That's why I don't come 
to the g*ddamn reunions.
'Cause I can't stand 
that look in your eye.
You know...,
that condescending, embarrassed look.
Gerry: Oh, come on, Sean.
Sean: You think I'm a failure.
I know who I am.
And I'm proud of what I do. It
was a conscious choice. I didn't f*ck up!
And you and your cronies think
I'm some sort of pity case.
You and your kiss-ass chorus
following you around going:
"The Field's medal!",
"The Field's medal!"
Why are you still so
f*ckin' afraid of failure?
Gerry: It's about my medal, isn't it?
Oh, God, I could go home
and get it for you.
You can have it.
Sean: I please don't!
Gerry: Want me that?
Sean: You know what? Shove the medal
up your f*ckin' ass, all right?
'Cause I don't give
a shit about your medal,
because I knew you before you
were a mathematical god...
When you were
pimple-faced and homesick
and didn't know what side
of the bed to piss on.
Gerry: Yeah, you were smarter than me then
and you're smarter than me now.
So don't blame me for how your life
turned out. It's not my fault.
Sean: I don't blame you!
It's not about you!
You mathematical dick!
It's about the boy!
He's a good kid! And I won't
see you f*ck him up
like you're tryin'
to f*ck up me right now.
I won't see you make him
feel like a failure too!
Gerry: He won't be a failure, Sean!
Sean: But if you push him, Gerry!
If you ride him!
Gerry: Sean, I am what I am today
because I was pushed
and because I learned
to push myself.
Sean: He's not you, you get that?!

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