Movie Quotes: Me and Earl and the Dying Girl

Schoolmate: Greg, how was your summer?
Greg: Summer? What's that word even mean?
Like, more summ?

In a typical high school life,
you belong to one nation
which can never
guarantee you total security.
But I thought
I found a way out.
Get citizenship in every nation.
Get passports to everywhere.
Just be on low-key
good terms with everyone
casually interact with them
once in a while
in a way that is invisible
to everyone else.
Never commit to an interaction
that won't be casual or mellow.
- Greg

(Greg to Earl)
Obviously we come from
pretty different backgrounds.
But somehow, we like
most of the same things.
And we learned pretty early on
that we were the only ones
who liked, for example,
classics of foreign cinema.
Why did we like them?
It's hard to say.
Maybe it's that they were
weird and often violent, like us.
Or confusing and possibly
meaningless, like life.
- Greg

Greg: Don't cry.
Rachel: I'm not crying.
Greg: Right, well, you know.
You can cry if you need to.
Rachel: I thought you said
"don't cry."

Pretty much all I remember
from that winter
is working on that stupid film
just trying to make some of that
made some kind of sense
and knowing the whole time
that I couldn't
that maybe it was possible
the thing we wanted to make
but it wasn't possible for us.
That was an entire winter of my life.
- Greg

...even after somebody dies
you can, you'd still
kept learning about them.
You know, their life.
It can keep unfolding
itself to you just as long...
just as long as
you pay attention to it.
- Mr. McCarthy

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