Movie Quotes: 3 Idiots

Ranchhoddas Shamaldas Chanchad.
He was as unique as his name.
- Farhan

Remember, life is a race.
If you dont run fast,
You’ll get trampled upon.
- Virus

Rancho: You don’t need money to go to school.
All you need is a uniform.
Pick a school buy the uniform and slip into the class.
In that sea of kids, no one will notice you.
Millimeter: What if I get caught?
Rancho: A new uniform, a new school!

He was different.
He challenged conventions at every stage.
A free-spirited bird had landed in Virus' nest.
- Farhan

He believed that knowledge was everywhere and we needed to grab it.
He was unlike any of us.
We fought for a shower every morning.
He'd bathe wherever he found water.
- Farhan

Rancho: Don't be scared.
Place your hand over your heart and say, "All is well."
Raju: All is well.
Rancho: All is well.
Farhan: Words of wisdom from His Holiness Guru Ranchhoddas.
Rancho: We had an old watchman in our village.
He used to say this during his night patrol..
"All.. is.. well..." and we slept peacefully.
Once, there was a theft and
we learned that he couldn't see at night!
He used to yell, "All is well"
and we felt secure.
That day I understood that
humans tend to get scared very easily.
You need to trick your mind.
No matter what the problem, always tell yourself that all is well.
Raju: That solves the problem?
Rancho: No. But you gain courage to face it.
Remember it, bro.
We are going to really need it here.

We learnt a lesson about human behaviour.
If your friend fails, you feel bad.
But if your friend succeeds exceedingly well, you feel worse.
- Raju/  Farhan

Rancho: Sir, is it necessary to sit according to your ranks?
Virus: Any problem with that?
Rancho: Yes, this grading system is like a caste system.
The A graders are treated like masters.
And the C graders are treated like slaves.
Virus: Are you suggesting a change?
Rancho: Yes. The results should not be displayed at all.
Why publicize someone's flaws?
If your iron count is low,
will the doctor prescribe a tonic
or air your report on tv?

Rancho has a simple belief. He says,
"Make your passion your profession."
- Fahran

It took me two broken legs
to build up this self-confidence.
It wasn't easy to get this attitude.
I can't change myself, Sir.
- Raju

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