Movie Quotes: The Devil Wears Prada

You know what they say?
Tiny man, huge ego.
- Irv

You think this is
just a magazine?

This is not just a magazine.
This is a shining
beacon of hope for
I don't know.
Let's say a young boy
growing up in Rhode Island
with six brothers,
pretending to go to soccer
pratice when he was really
going to sewing class
and reading Runway
under the covers at night
with a flashlight.
You have no idea
how many legends
have walked these halls.
And what's worse,
you don't care.
Because this place,
where so many people
would die to work,
you only deign to work.
And you want to know why
she doesn't kiss you
on the forehead
and give you a gold star
on your homework
at the end of the day.
Wake up, sweetheart.
- Nigel

Nate: Why do women need so many bags?
Lily: Shut up.
Nate: You have one.
You put all your junk in it
and that's it. You're done.
Doug: Fashion is not about utility.
An accessory is merely
a piece of iconography
used to express
individual identity.
Lily: Oh, and it's pretty.
Doug: That too.

You still don't get it, do you?
Her opinion
is the only one
that matters.
- Nigel

Nigel: Excuse me.
Can we adjust the attitude?
Andy: I'm sorry.
Don't make me feed you
to one of the models.
Andy: Sorry. It's busy day.
My personal life
is hanging by a thread,
that's all.
Nigel: Join the club. That's
what happens when you start
doing well at work, darling.
Let me know
when your whole life
goes up in smoke.
That means it's time
for a promotion.

Paris is
the most important week
of my entire year.
I need the best
possible team with me.
That no longer includes Emily.
- Miranda

If you don't go,
I'll assume you're not serious
about your future
at Runway or
any other publication.
The decision's yours.
That's all.
- Miranda

Andy: Okay, I just wanna say that yes,
there are things Miranda does
that I don't agree with, but...
Christian: Come on. You hate her.
Just admit it to me.
Andy: No.
Christian: She's a notorious sadist
and not in a good way.
Andy: Okay, she's tough,
but if Miranda were a man,
no one would notice
anything about her, except
how great she is at her job.
Christian: I'm sorry.
I can't believe this.
You're defending her?

Miranda: I see a great deal
of myself in you.
You can see beyond
what people want
and what they need,
and you can choose
for yourself.
Andy: I don't think
I'm like that.
I couldn't do
what you did to Nigel,
Miranda. I couldn't do
something like that.
Miranda: You already did.
To Emily.
Andy: No, that was different.
I didn't have a choice.
Miranda: Oh, no, you chose.
You chose to get ahead.
You want this life,
those choices are necessary.
Andy: But what if
this isn't what I want?
I mean, what if I don't
want to live the way you live?
Miranda: Don't be ridiculous, Andrea.
Everybody wants this.
Everybody wants to be us.

Greg: My only question is, Runway?
You were there
for less than a year.
What the hell
kind of a blip is that?
Andy: Learned a lot.
In the end, though,
I kind of screwed it up.
Greg: I called over there
for a reference, left word
with some snooty girl.
Next thing you know
I got a fax from
Miranda Priestly herself,
saying that
of all the assistants
she's ever had,
you were, by far,
her biggest disappointment.
And if I don't hire you,
I am an idiot.
You must have done
something right.

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