Movie Quotes: License to Wed

Beautiful, isn't it?
But let me tell you the truth.
For a lot of people,
marriage is like
sticking your tongue
on a frozen flagpole.
Sure, it looks fun when you
see all your friends doing it,
so you say, "Hey, I'll give it
a try, just once."
Next thing you know,
you're stuck,
full of regret, praying to God,
"Please, get me out of this
with my dignity,
if at least not
my extremities intact."
But it doesn't have to be
like that, my friends.
It does not have
to be like that.
That's where I come in.
Good marriages are my business.
As for meeting the right person
in the first place,
well, my friends, that
is up with you.
- Rev. Frank

Now a lot people ask me,
"What if I'm cheating with a
woman who's really really ugly?
Is that make it all right?"
No, it does make it all right?
It is still a sin.
Rev. Frank

Commandment Challenge:
- Dad & Mom are the Bomb
- God is #1
- Cussin' the Man is Outta Hand
- Sunday is God's Fun Day
- Say N.O. to Envy
- Be Chill Don't Kill
- It Ain't Neat to Cheat
- Keep it Real. Don't steal.
- It Ain't Fly to Lie.
- Covet? Don't Love It.

Sadie: Okay, I guess
we're getting married
in three weeks.
Rev. Frank: Okay!
Ben: Wow. Just like that?
Rev. Frank: So it is written!
Rev. Frank
& choir boy: So it shall be done.

Rev. Frank: One small thing.
Couple of years ago,
I instituted a marriage
preparation course here.
Choir boy: The course is a pre-requisite for
any and all ceremonies
performed at these grounds.
Rev. Frank: At the end of the course,
if I feel you're unprepared
or you stop the course
before completion,
I have the right,
to call off the wedding.

Rev. Frank: Tomorrow morning,
bright and early, be there.
We all remember
the 11th commandment.
Ben: I don't.
Choir boy: Thou shall not be late.

Ben: What is that?
You ever done that?
The marriage prep stuff.
Joel: To tell you the truth,
I don't remember
anything before the D-day, man.
It's like a black hole.
All I know is that's my wife.
Apparently, those are my kids.
And this, this is my beer.
Everything else
is pretty much a blur.

Rev. Frank: Too hard?
Ben: No, that's a good burn, right?
Anything that's painful
makes you stronger.
Rev. Frank: Not really.
You break your leg,
your leg doesn't get stronger.
God is just, but God is kind.
Ben: That's a nice sentiment.

I keep their pictures in my wallet
to remind me that one
person can make a difference,
even against insurmountable odds.
Rev. Frank

Ben: Hey, can I ask you a question?
Rev. Frank: Sure.
Ben: When did you really know that
we were ready to get married?
Rev. Frank: The moment you
told Joel that Sadie
wasn't a fish, I knew
it was meant to be.

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