Movie Quotes: Whisper of the Heart

Today's a lucky day.
- Shizuku

Silence isn't always great.
- Shizuku

The artisan who made this
must have been disappointed
in love.
- Nishi

What a find!
A place where stories start!

Why do we change, I wonder.
I was always so sweet...
Books don't even excite me
like they used to.
There's always someone
inside me saying,
"Things aren't that easy!"
I'm not very nice.

It's weird.
I feel as if
I've known you for years.
Sometimes I
really want to see you...
- Shizuku

Shizuku: It must be great to know
what you want to do.
I've got no idea at all.
I just go from one day
to the next.
Seiji: I don't know
if I can go or not.
I fight with my parents every day.
Even if I go, I won't know
if I have the talent
until I try.

Yuko: But it's like fate
brought you together! Cool!
Shizuku: It was too good to last.
Two people who read the same books,
except one's moving forward
while the other stays behind.

Can't you be in love
without your future planned out?

I admire how hard you're working.
Let her do what she wants.
Not everyone has to be the same.
- Seiya

Okay, Shizuku,
do what you believe in.
But it's not easy
when you walk your own road.
You've only got yourself to blame.

Now that I've written it I get it.
Wanting isn't enough.
I have to learn more...

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