Movie Quotes: Soul Surfer

Surfing is my passion,
my way of life.
The stoke I get from
riding a perfect wave
is pure joy.
But like my dad always says,
"Life is an adventure.
And sometimes, you wipe out
and end up in the impact zone."
- Bethany

Ben: Looks like she has a real future.
As a pro.
Cheri: She's been working so hard.
Ben: Well, with her heart, her will,
she'll go far.

So much for so little.
- Alana

So, you see how hard it can be
to make sense of things
when you're looking at them
really close?
The same thing's true in life.
So, if you guys are dealing with anything,
that's just too hard to handle
or doesn't seem
to make much sense
get a new perspective.
I want to share with you guys
something that has really made
an impact in my life.
That's Jeremiah 29:11.
"For I know the plans
that I have for you, says The Lord.
Plans to prosper you
and not to harm you.
Plans to give you hope
and a future."
- Sarah

That's good.
A small step in a good direction.
- Cheri

The things that you're gonna have
to learn to do differently is extensive.
But the good news.
Those things you're not gonna
be able to do is small.
- David

She is a living miracle.
- David

Bethany: When can I surf again?
Tom: Are you busy right now?
Bethany: Kind of.
Tom: Soon.
Bethany: How do you know?
Tom: Because you can do all things...
Bethany: ...through Him
who gives me strength.

Bethany: Sarah, how can this be
God's plan for me?
I don't understand.
Sarah: I don't know why
terrible things happen
to us sometimes.
But I have to believe that something
is going to come out of this.

Tom: It's not gonna be easy.
Bethany: I don't need easy
I just need possible.

Bethany: What am I supposed to do now.
Tom: I don't know.
Bethany: Then how am I supposed to know?
Tom: When the time is right, you'll know.
Until then, you pray.
And you listen.
Bethany: Listen for what?
Tom: For what comes next.

They say The Lord works
in mysterious ways.
I say that's understatement.
Who would have thought
that teaching a kid to surf
would teach me that
surfing isn't the most
important thing in the world.
And that something else is. Love.
Bigger than any tidal wave.
More powerful than any fear.

You know that moment
between the sets when it's quiet.
And the waves
haven't even formed yet.
It's just energy
surging through the water.
Well, that's the time to be patient.
Listen to your instinct.
Trust it. You'll know.

I didn't come to win.
I came to surf.

I was born to surf.
This is why I wake up
at the crack of dawn every day.
This is why I endure belly rashes,
reef cuts and muscles so tired
they feel like noodles.
And I've learned
that life is a lot like surfing.
When get caught in the impact zone,
you need to get right back up
because you never know
what's over the next wave.
And if you have faith,
anything is possible.
Anything at all.

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