Movie Quotes: Courageous

Adam: I'd like to say
welcome back but
I hate to say it after
it says your rotten day.

Nathan: Well, my son is okay,
so I still say it's a good day.

Shane: You know what I like about you?
Adam: What?
Shane: Oh, yeah. Never mind.
I was thinking of somebody else.

Emily: Okay, when you're ready to dance,
this is what you do.
First, you put your right hand
around my waist like this.
Then, you hold your other hand
out like this.
Then, we sway back and forth
to the music.
And you can spin.
Are you sure you don't wanna dance?
Adam: I'm dancing with you
in my heart, sweetie.

Divorce happens because
you make it an option.
- Nathan

People change.
You can't always work stuff out.
Sometimes you need to part ways.
- David

People don't fight for
their marriage anymore.
- Adam

If it wasn't for my faith in God,
I'd be in a tailspin right now.
- Nathan

Javi: Carmen, few times have I ever felt
that God was helping my faith.
But today was one of them.
It felt so good to work hard.
Carmen: Javi, I know God loves you.
He listens to you
because you honor Him.

Dylan, we're all hurting.
What we can't do is
block each other out.
We need each other.
- Adam

Well, Adam, there needs
to be a grieving process.
And The Lord is The One
who carries you through it.
And it takes time.
It takes time for healing.
- Pastor

You do heal
but you're never the same.
But I would also say
that those who go through this
and trust in the Lord
discover a comfort and
an intimacy with God
that most people never experience.
- Pastor

Well, He doesn't promise
an explanation.
But He does promise to walk
with us through the pain.

The Bible said that God
is a good judge
and He will punish the guilty
not for what they did right
but for what they did wrong.
Because He loved us,
He sent His son, Jesus Christ.
To take the punishment
that we should deserve
and put it on Himself.
and that's why
He died on the cross.
But it only applies
when you accept it.
That's why He asked
for His forgiveness.
I asked Him save me.
And I'm a new man
because of Christ.
- Nathan

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