Movie Quotes: Five Feet Apart

Human touch..
our first form of communication.
Safety, security, comfort,
all in the gentle caress of a finger.

Or the press of lips
on the soft cheek.
It connects us when we're happy.
Bolsters us in times of fear.
Excites us in times of passion.
And love.
We need that touch
from the one we love
almost as much
as we need air to breathe.
But I never understood
the importance of touch.
His touch.
Until I couldn't have it.
- Stella

Will: Hey, Julie.
What if it doesn’t work?
Julie? What if it does?

Stella: Why cartoons?
Will: They’re subversive.
They can be light and funny
but pack of powerful punch.
I think a well drawn cartoon
can say a lot more than words
ever could.
Stella: Yeah.
What is this say exactly?
Will: A lot more than words
ever could.

These diseases are prison.
I wanna hug you.
Just pretend that I am doing it right now.
- Poe

Stella: Why didn’t pack anything nice?!
Poe: Oh, ‘cause you always pack for
a hot hospital romance.

God, you’re beautiful and brave.
Wish I could touch you.

Where we first met...
Roses are red...
Or are they?
If only I
could hold
my breath
for this
24 hours
from our
first date.
- Stella

This whole time
I’ve been living for my treatments
instead of doing my treatments
so that I can live.
I wanna live.
It’s just life, Will.
It’ll be over before we know it.
- Stella

So if you’re watching this
and you’re able, touch him.
Touch her.
Life’s too short
to waste a second.
- Stella

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