Movie Quotes: How to Lose Your Lover (50 Ways to Leave Your Lover)

No mom, you're not gonna die from a gas leak.
Why not? Because your stove is electric.
- Girl neighbor

Suddenly it was all very clear to me. 
I saw my feature, the house, the white bigger fence, 
the kids, but I didn't see you.
- Ilene 

It's over, it is all over. There!
God, I feel so much better, don't you?
- Ilene

My life and I have been growing apart over the years, 
I mean I've been going away and it's been goin' another.
- Owen

I don't know, I have started speaking from my heart you know, 
and in about an hour, I have absolutely no friends left 
so there'll be less reason to come back.
- Owen

And when suddenly I realized my dream was never gonna come true. 
Because dreams don't mean shit, that's why they're call dreams. 
They don't never happen. They're just figments of the imagination 
that make people feel bad about what they do.
So don't put yourself down for not fulfilling some dream.
- Val's dad

You can't touch me. 
You can't lean on my friends, because I don't have any.
You can't stake at my house, because I don't live anywhere.
You can't fuck my career, because I already did.
You can't call my cellphone, because I don't have one.
And you can't bring me down, because I've already jumped.
- Owen

I mean they say that it takes three months of dating 
before a person reveals the worst qualities. 
- Owen

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