Movie Quotes: When Harry Tries to Marry

I mean come on! 
What we're talking about is is, 
making the best of a situation, not a miracle.
- Theresa

Later is the time to marry. 
Anyway tonight is party night, 
we should discuss it another time. 
Go! Live a litte!
- Dev, Harry's dad

An arranged marriage is a sacred union between two people 
who grow together in time, 
not some sort of chance meeting okay. 
It works because of its process, 
not because somebody winked at you online.
- Harry

Harry: Why would I need to compare when everything inside me 
tells me that what I'm doing is right?
Dev: Because some men like try wine, but other has prefer sweet, 
and the last thing they want to do is open their own bottle.

How do you run from the things that run through your mind?
The faster you run the faster they run after you.
- Theresa

Hey I don't own a gun but I still know what happens
when I pointed it in my head and pull the trigger.
- Mary

Sometimes you get to play the bride, 
and other times you have to play the photographer.
Next time you'll play the bride.
- Mary

But the truth is, 
I'm learning a lot more about life by staying single 
and learning who I really am. 
You see I have made it a point to live a little, 
and see where life takes me.
- Harry

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