Movie Quotes: Warrior's Heart

Sometimes you gotta just suck it up son.
- Lt. Sullivan

It's funny what you notice the first you see someone. Confidence, a nice smile, a little connection, what you don't see, what's impossible to know at first glance, means every thing else, at least every thing that counts.
- Brooklyn

Show 'em what you got.
Lt. Sullivan

There are bunch of ways to find out about someone, 
you can watch them around with other people,
find out what their interests are,
how they react to new circumstances,
sometimes, you really wanna know, 
it's easy as you just talk to them with yourself.
- Brooklyn

Do I have to remind you again? "Do not speak unless, you spoken to."
- Sgt. Major Duke

It's hard to say if warriors are born, 
earthly made by circumstances. 
I know everyone faces hardship in life,
it just seems like some people, are actually made stronger by it.
- Brooklyn

It isn't easy watching people you love get hurt
and it's impossible to replace some things in life that are lost.
but everything that I look for in a person, 
someone who stands up when they're knocked-down, 
can work with a team and a strength and humility can be found for this game.
Maybe that's why I look cross, 
or be God away is known by another even older name, 
The Creator's game.
- Brooklyn


Anonymous said...

'It isn’t easy watching people you love get hurt, and it’s impossible to replace some things in life that get lost. But in everything I look for in a person. Someone who stands up when they are knocked down. Can work with a team. And has strength and humility that can be found through this game. Maybe that’s why lacross, baaga’adowe, is known by another even older name. The Creator’s game. Native Americans believe they play for the pleasure of their Creator. Sometimes I think that’s why we do anything at all.'

Admin said...

@hello love - i stand corrected. Thanks :)