Movie Quotes: You Again

I red somewhere that who you are in high school 
determines who you'll be for the rest of your life...
I seriously hope that's not the case.
- Marni

I wish you could see how incredible you are Marni.
You just have to believe in yourself 
'cause when you do that
you are gonna be able to do anything you want.
- Will

And of course Will was right.
Once I change the way I saw myself,
past was history.

I ditch the braces, I got contacts, 
and I start spending more than eight dollars on a haircut.
I've come a long way since horrible days 
but if it weren't to the determination of that little girl from 
Ridgefield, the woman standing in front of you wouldn't be here today.
Working at one of the top PR firms in Los Angeles,
telling a bunch of junior publicists, 
about the days when I was a poster child for the geek squad.

You can't control the things that happen to you but you can
control the way you react tonight, its all perception.
That, is what public relations is all about.
- Marni

Scientific fact:
when you wear a blind fold you rely on your stomach.
- Marni's dad

Ben.. Ben.. in PR 48hrs is a lifetime.
All we have to do is isolate the problem, calculate the plan,
and institute a solution. We gotta get 'em alone.
- Marni

Happily ever after is in fairy tales mom.
High school was a horror movie, 
this weekend is a sequel.
- Marni

You're human Joanna, making mistakes is part of what we do.
It's how we go back fixing that matters.
- Ramona

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