Movie Quotes: A Bag of Hammers

Alan: Give me some time
Ben: Give me some choices.

So.. what's the grief of the day, 
actually forget it, 
I don't wanna know.
- Mel

You're a liar and a coward, Ben.
And maybe one day, 
you'll realize that it's not some great embarrassment to have feelings,
or care about somebody, you know? 
Or probably you won't figured it out 
until you're an old pathetic man 
who lives in a flap house downtown, 
tryin' to steal food from the garbage can,
to keep your incontinent body 
from shutting down from gideon boredom.
- Amanda

We all get a bag of hammers, you know what I mean?
I mean whether it's been poor or catching cancer, divorce,
losing your brother, losing your mother, you know what I mean Kelsey?
It's.. well, but the thing is, the the thing is, 
is what you do with these hammers, when you get 'em.
'Cause that's what shows you what kind of a man, you are.
Even if you're not ready to be one yet.
So, this is gonna be hard to hear, okay?
- Ben

He had no one, we had each other.
- Alan

You don't know how to do anything except walkout on people.
- Mel

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