Movie Quotes: Lola Versus

I know that changing is inevitable, but, 
what if I don't want things to change?
What if I like my life, exactly how it is?
- Lola

You look like a white J.Lo.
- Luke

Don't touch him, he's mine!
- Lola

Have you died?
- Henry

Hey are you tryin' to take maid of honor for me,
'cause I already ordered male strippers 
who gets naked to the soundtrack of glee.
- Alice

Is comfier, on the ground?
- Lola

Lola's mom: Hey Randy how's the bar stuff?
Randy: It's brilliantly like my bank account.

Lola's mom: Hey
Lola: Hi mom
Lola's mom: How you doin' sweetie? You okay?
Lola: I am choosing to be alive.

Can you put your sentences together 
Honestly, your brain is like a bad DJ.
- Alice

Hi I'm 30 years old and lookin' out for children.
- Alice

Right time. Wrong people.
- Lola's dad

I wish I could say that this was someone elses fault.
That it was Luke's fault, or Henry's fault, or Alice's
But it's not, it's me.
- Lola

"Chapter 5- Silence: Vocal Minorities and the Spiral of Isolation"

 At first sight, the poet of the prose poem has certainly escaped "Obsession." 
The "silence" and "repos" speak directly to the poet's
desire for "le vide, et la noir, et le nu." 
And, of course, "la tyrannie de la face humaine a disparu" speaks for itself. 
Furthermore, the use of the word "possession" in "nouse possederons" 
acts as a direct solution to the powerless of the word "obsession."

I think, to love yourself, you have to learn to love other people.
- Lola

I have 29 years before the next step people,
before that crazy panic comes back to recovict on my life. 
and when it's over, I hope I feel exactly the way I do.. right now.
- Lola

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