Movie Quotes: The Oranges

The question of happiness has preoccupied
philosophers, poets, and pharmaceutical companies
for thousands of years...
Clearly it's a tricky one.

When I graduated from design well three years ago,
I had a definite plan.

Couple of months at home for together kick a** portfolio
then I take Manhattan by storm.
- Vanessa

Cathy: What's going with the couples counselor?
Paige: I don't know.
She's so none specific. It's like talking to fog.
But David and I know what we stand with each other,
that's how we've lasted this long. Somehow, it works.
Cathy: Oh, don't look at me, I just pretend Terry is invisible.

Nina: Why would anyone wanna shop on the same day as everyone else?
Terry: I hear that there have fist fights and people throw their children at each other.
Cathy: It's really and very.. very communal Christmas-ly experience.
It's beautiful.

Henry: Maybe they are really in love.
Vanessa: You said it doesn't last.
You said that the grass is only one
that cow's for their money.
Henry: Usually that is the case but not a waste.
Girl co-worker: Your dad is pretty cute.
Vanessa: Don't be gross okay
just because you've been gotten late
like three weeks.
Henry: Perhaps your problem is more with Nina, not your father.
Vanessa: Oh, is that so Henry, why is that?
Henry: Because maybe you are jealous.
Because she has traveled many places and just lived.
Because she takes chances.
Vanessa: No. You know what, you my friend
have read a little too much of this cheap pine wax, okay,
because she's a selfish sk*nk.
And he's selfish too.
Girl co-worker: Yeah, but he really is happier with her
and you make 'em stop
and you're the one who's being selfish.
Henry: That is maybe the most intelligent thing you ever said.

If you're happy you can say so...
- Paige

Someday I may thank you for all of this.
- Paige

On the day after Christmas
Henry said, "sometimes you have to burn
down your house
in order to see the moon."
Another Asian saying,
but this time I knew what he meant.
- Vanessa

I'm saying.. maybe what happened,
needed to happen,
even for me.
- Vanessa

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